3 Big Reasons Why NFThistory Is the Next Big Thing

Published in
5 min readJan 11, 2022


We just kicked off our token sale, and we’re happy to see the community’s excitement so far. To celebrate our progress, we’d thought we cover why NFThistory will be the next big thing and why you should look into getting some HSY in our private sale.

If you’d like to participate in the sale, read this article and contact us via the channels below:

To participate in the NFThistory token sale, contact us via one of the following channels:

You can also fill out our interest form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe8Aw586iBQm8Dz7FZ4wjnxYZC5Ygk7O2WcAtWukLtdFUf1ag/viewform

Now, let’s get to why NFThistory is such an amazing project.

1. Unmatched Uniqueness

Time is valuable — and we can’t get back. Much of the value of time comes from the fact that each moment in history and the days of our lives is entirely unique.

The idea is similar to NFTs. No matter how similar two NFTs could look to one another, they’re simply not interchangeable. They’re cryptographically unique.

The NFT market has seen incredible innovation, which is why it reached $27 billion in sales in 2021. However, there remain two hurdles impeding NFT market growth:

  • The rise of copycats, which dilutes the industry
  • A lack of use cases beyond digital artwork

NFThistory solves the first challenge with a unique NFT marketplace. After all, no two dates are the same. By owning one date as an NFT, you have something nobody else can have.

NFThistory solves the second challenge with a unique and impactful NFT use case. Through the NFThistory platform, we can now:

NFThistory leverages the power of blockchain and NFT technology to preserve and unlock the full value of the past. There is no other NFT project with an idea remotely similar to ours. NFThistory is as unique as moments in time. And that’s why the project will stand out from the crowd.

For more on the value of unique investments, read this article of ours.

2. NFThistory is Revolutionary

NFThistory offers the people a way to record history as it happens—and avoid censorship.

With its unique idea and the specific characteristics of NFTs and the blockchain itself, NFThistory can revolutionize the way history is documented and preserved.

Let us elaborate.

There are a couple of concerns when documenting history:

  • Humans have imperfect memories
  • People with power can influence what goes into the records and history textbooks
  • There’s always something that we don’t know

Fortunately, because blockchain and consequently NFTs are trustless and permissionless, they can decentralize the documentation of history and help solve all those aforementioned concerns.

That’s because preserving historical moments on the blockchain prevents censorship and tampering with the data. In other words, it’s forever there — more forever than that embarrassing photo you uploaded to MySpace all those years ago.

Moreover, even if someone wanted to produce “fake news” on the blockchain, the transparency of the blockchain allows anyone to investigate what lies behind the curtain. It will arguably become easier to identify and filter out fake news with projects like NFThistory.

So, NFThistory decentralizes documentation of history, putting the power and role of preserving our past in the hands of the people. There’s no top-down control, and the checks and balances are done by the community and technology themselves.

Plus, the grassroots documentation of history enables more groups to be seen and heard. Since anyone can access and use the blockchain, every voice can be included. And nobody gets silenced.

As you can see, NFThistory has the power to revolutionize how we document history.

For more information on this important topic, read this article.

3. The NFT Market Is Booming!

If trends are to be trusted, then the NFT market as a whole is on an unyielding upwards trend. NFT sales hit $27 billion in 2021, up from a mere $400 the year before. That’s a 67.5x increase in one year!

We mostly deal with history here at NFThistory, and even though we believe that history is life’s teacher, it’s still hard to project NFT sales numbers in 2022. Even so, we do believe total sales will easily eclipse 2021 numbers. Some experts believe the NFT market will reach $1 trillion within the decade.

That’s a lot of cash! Given the unique, revolutionary aspects of our project and the unique use case our platform fulfills, we believe NFThistory can grab a big piece of this growing market.

If you wish to learn more about what 2021 meant for NFTs, read this article.

Closing Thoughts

To summarize, here’s why you should look into participating in our private sale:

  • NFThistory is a unique project on the NFT market, a brand-new NFT use case.
  • NFThistory has the potential to not only bring monetary but also socio-political gain.
  • The NFT market itself is just beginning a long-term upward trend.

To participate in the NFThistory token sale, contact us via one of the following channels:

Email: info@nfthistory.io

Telegram: @BalintNHio and @AaronNFT

You can also fill out our interest form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe8Aw586iBQm8Dz7FZ4wjnxYZC5Ygk7O2WcAtWukLtdFUf1ag/viewform

About NFThistory

NFThistory is the world’s first platform for acquiring and transferring ownership of historic moments using blockchain. From the landing on the moon to the birth of Bitcoin, you can own, buy and sell any date and moment in human history on NFThistory’s platform.

If you wish to stay up to date with our project you can visit our:

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World’s first platform for acquiring and transferring ownership of historic moments using blockchain