NFThistory private sale is open
A bear market is still here, and while we HODL and wait for the market to recover, we have also been working hard on delivering the revolutionary NFThistory platform. Here’s the good news:
We are happy to announce that our private sale is OPEN!
NFThistory will introduce a brand-new NFT use case, and attempts to be the very first platform of the world for acquiring and transferring ownership of dates aka any personal and historic events.
With the private sale opening soon, this is your first and best chance to get HSY tokens that will allow you to use our state-of-the-art marketplace. And why is it beneficial for you? Here’s a few example:
- Today, we don’t have the opportunity to own dates. We not only make it possible easily, but you can have the most important moments in the form of NFTs represented by any photos or gifs you wish.
- You can be the exclusive owner of dates that have personal significance for you, be it your birthday, your wedding anniversary, the birth of your children or anything.
- With NFThistory, you can own the date of any events (wars, sport events, celebrity news, discoveries, movies etc.). Acquire the date when Mike Tyson bit the ear of Evander Holyfield, and maybe you can sell it to Tyson.
- You can sell the acquired dates for anyone. For example, imagine how valuable the date of the creation of Bitcoin can be for others!
Don’t miss out on the best prices and vesting options, contact us and discuss how we can best cooperate with each other.
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