Where NFThistory Is & Where We’re Going?

4 min readNov 29, 2021
With NFThistory, you can own the most historic moments ever, like the landing on the moon (source).

What a year it’s been for NFTs!

Non-fungible tokens, as they’re also known, have gone mainstream, with sales surging to $10.7 billion in Q3, 2021.

At NFThistory, we see the opportunity in this emerging industry. The time has come for a new type of NFT, one that inspires and empowers people.

So, we created NFThistory — the world’s first platform for buying, selling, and owning historic moments using blockchain. We may just be getting started, but the future has limitless potential.

NFThistory began with a vision

In a previous article, we established our vision: To create a brand-new NFT use case by empowering people to own a piece of history.

“In the age of digitalization, the long-term goal is to build up the digitized form of history, a digitized history book where users can find all the defining events of humanity in an interactive and creative way.”

Furthermore, one of our long-term goals is to use blockchain and NFT technology to decentralize history. This will empower people and enable creativity and innovation from anyone. In this sense, NFThistory takes a bottom-up approach to history rather than a top-down one.

Where NFTHistory is

Since beginning in Q2, 2021, project development has picked up dramatically. We’re currently in the beta phase on testnet. Plus, we have a private sale coming up.

Make sure to join our community so you can stay updated on all that’s happening:

Recently, we launched our holiday contest. Through two events, participants are competing to win 25,000 HSY tokens and 25 NFTs. Hurry, the contest ends shortly, on December 5th.

Here’s a brief outline of the quiz contest:

  • Prize: Win an NFT of your birthdate!
  • Start date and time: 19.11.2021, 3:30 pm CET
  • End date and time: 5.12.2021, 11:59 pm CET

25 winners will be announced within 3 days after the end of the quiz.

Here’s a brief summary of the Givelab contest, our second campaign:

  • Prize pool: 25,000 $HSY
  • Date: 19th — 5th December
  • # of Winners: 500
  • 100 winners: 70 tokens
  • 400 winners: 45 tokens

If you’re interested to know more about the holiday contest, you can read all about it over here.

The winners of this historic contest will be announced shortly after the contest ends. We’re looking forward to it as much as all the lucky winners are.

Where NFThistory is going?

At the end of the year, the marketplace and auction site should go to the mainnet. After that is accomplished, there will be an IDO (Initial DEX offering).

If you don’t know what IDOs are, this helpful article covers it well.

  • TLDR version: An IDO is a decentralized fundraising or crowdfunding event. Those who provide the funds for the project get tokens in return. The article states IDOs are considered better than previous crypto fundraising models, as they’re fairer and more efficient than ICOs, STOs and IEOs.

Now, let’s get back to NFThistory. Shortly after that event (IDO), there will be a Token Generation Event (TGE) and DEX listings. This will constitute a historic moment for NFThistory. And in the true spirit of NFThistory, the date will be worthy of commemorating with a bid on owning it as an NFT!

In Q2, 2022, we’ll launch NFT package offers and date lotteries. In Q2, 2022, users will get the opportunity to stake their HSY tokens. There will be some burning of tokens to help maintain the strength of HSY. Also in early 2022, we’ll list the HSY token on centralized exchanges, which we hope will get the project into the mainstream.

  • If you’re interested in tokenomics of the project, this article here goes into detail on the topic.

Finally, in Q2 of 2022, the project will develop further as we expand our existing ecosystem. To facilitate that, we’ll establish mutually beneficial partnerships with other projects.

The NFThistory mission

You can’t go towards the future without understanding your past. This is why it’s beneficial to be history nerds like us!

At NFThistory, we aim to create a new use case and market within the existing NFT ecosystem. By leveraging the blockchain and NFT technology, we aim to empower people to own a piece of history — whether that be a date with sentimental value or an important moment in world history.

Given the uniqueness of the project, we believe NFThistory has the potential to provide immense value to early users and adopters. The project could:

  • Inspire history lovers to enter the blockchain space.
  • Offer NFT enthusiasts a new use case and option outside art.
  • Enable everyday people to document personal and world history.
  • Ensure history is documented accurately (as the community will drive consensus).

With a strong community, the possibilities are endless with the NFThistory platform. It’s time to build a better future with historical NFTs.




World’s first platform for acquiring and transferring ownership of historic moments using blockchain